

We monitor the main analytics, help to integrate new functions if the client asks to and consult employees to allow self-dependent integration.
Regular metrics check
We check Yandex.Metrics, Google Analytics and other services at least twice a month.

The client gets a 8-10 pages report on the results and improvement recommendations. We also produce a website report after the launch.
A/B testing
A very important part of the improvement is the A/B testing of the new usability ideas, design and functionality.
If our team or the client is not sure about a new function convenience or a new design of an element, we can set an A/B testing code. This allows to distribute traffic between several pages options.

When the desired traffic is achieved, we start to use a bigger conversion design or functionality option.
Design -support
We help to create design of new pages, illustrations, banners, new system functions, etc.
Our team can also consult design-related employees to create new pages according to the designs we have developed.
We try to come up with solutions to improve system conversion, optimize business processes and find new target audiences by relying on the regular metrics check, communication to the client and by gaining new experience while working on different projects.
If needed, we help out with integrating new functions and consult the client’s employees (in relation to design and programming) for self-dependent integration.